Sunday, May 8, 2011


   A quiet week even for us.  dw worked nearly every day with full shifts and I pulled a muscle in my leg so I was largely idle.  I skipped the gym twice (back at it today), didn't ride the bike and generally took it easy.  I don't remember doing anything to cause the strain but such is life -- it's now getting better. 
   The mosaic (actually it's more of a cut-tile) bench is finished.  As soon as I decide where to put it I'll post a picture
   Reading:  I read two books on paleontology.  One on the great Permian Extinction and another telling how fossils from the first fish- to- land creatures demonstrate the evolution from fish bones into such things as ear bones and hands -- with a side track investigating stem cells, growth buds and etc.  They were about as interesting as they sound.  I can't say as I was interested enough to give either book my full attention.  I also sort of read Plutarch's Lives.  (again lack of real interest) But I did find that Pericles had a great big pumpkin head and was made fun of for it.  I read one of dw's detective novels which I might have read before but which I can fruitfully re-read in another six month.  And finally, I just started "Gilgamesh".  For starters, Enkidu, a co-hero, is literature's first vegan.   And so it goes.  DA

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