Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why I'm Not Blogging

I fully intended to blog whenever I had a connection, but it's not going to happen. The connections are spotty (although today's is good) and only about one out of three locations is good enough. But mostly I won't be blogging because of time.

We walk all day, get a place to sleep, arrange for or buy food, wash clothes (by hand) socialize with fellow walkers and the day is largely over. Writing this blog takes time and I spend most of my writing time writing up my notes for the day. Alas, for those who are interested, there will be no extensive Camino blog until October.

One note of interest mostly to my friend Bob D.

Many years ago Bob and I traveled to South America to climb a mountain. I forgot to get a paperback to read, and at the very last second grabbed "The Letters of Flaubert". It was a very bad choice. This time I had a bit more time and decided I wanted something by Dumas who I haven't read in 30 years or more. No Dumas in the store I went to, but they did have "Scaramouche" (sp?) Certainly in the Dumas genre but alas, not of Dumas quality. I read the set-up, found the climax and read that. Gagged at the sappy ending and called it good. dw declined to try it.  And so it goes. DJA


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