Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lions And Tigers and BEARS Oh My!

   Today I took another walk in Forest Park.  Instead of  Leif Erickson this time I  went four miles on the Wildwood Trail -- which pretty much parallels L.E. -- but is an actual trail rather than a closed road.  The Wildwood has more ups and downs than L. E. so is a bit more rigorous, but scenically they're much the same. 
   Fairly early in the walk I passed two older women and their (leashed, surprisingly enough) dogs.  Some time later I went up a side trail (yes, to take a whiz) and when I returned to the main trail they had caught up and I startled them (the two trails converged at a blind corner).  "Oh! You surprised us! We thought you were a bear!" -- with hands to hearts --  "Oh, dear" I said.  "It's a good thing I'm not."  And the three of us chuckled at the repartee and the dogs were happier than anything.  
   Now it can be noted that I use crutches when I walk so it might be said that I'm a quadruped, but I think the visual is definitely bi-pedal.  My hair and beard are definitely white and I was wearing a purple t-shirt.   However their mistake was one anyone could have made.
      I never saw a purple bear,
      And hope that there can't be one.
      But if there is a purple bear,
      I'd rather see than be one. 
   With a nod to Gelett Burgess (purple cow writer)
   Books:  I finished "The Ghosts of Cannae" (Robert L. O'Connell) It's about Hannibal slaughtering Romans until he met his Scipio.  It is a good read but be prepared --- butchery abounds.   And I'm half way through "Nothing To Be Frightened Of" (Julian Barnes).  It's Barnes' thoughts on religion, faith, art and mostly death.  A very good read.  A year or so ago I read his book "Flaubert's Parrot" which didn't do much for me.  It was good enough that I finished reading it but I remember very little about it.  This book is much more appealing to me.  I might even return to it at a later date.  DA

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