Friday, January 28, 2011

Tree Stages Violent Protest?

   After the clear stress test of last week, I've stopped taking the metoprolol (on Dr.'s suggestion) and my breathing  as well as the occasional heart thumping and banging seems to have improved.  Now instead of feeling like I'm trying to exercise at 15,000 ft, it feels like I'm trying to exercise at fat and unfit.  A definite improvement.
   On my walk on Wednesday I passed a two story house that had a tree fall on it.  A BIG TREE.  (in protest of the t-rex trunk dismemberment?)  It was an Oregon white oak (as was the t-rex tree) more than four feet in diameter.  In addition to the ruined roof, the NW and NE corners were visibly out of plumb.  I talked to a neighbor who said the owner (who was unhurt, although home) had heard nails popping loose from the dry-wall and the wood work.  None of the doors in the house work properly, they either don't or barely open and close in the part of the house farthest from the tree damage, and in the rooms next to the impact area -- the doors are immoveable.  It's probable that the house is totally destroyed.  It might be possible to twist it back into shape, but I doubt it.  After tree people had used chain saws to cut  what they could the company involved brought in a heavy-duty mobile crane to lift the tree trunk. 
    I didn't see the rating on the crane, but from it's size I'd guess it was rated to lift 50 tons.  It was not a small operation. 
    In other news, there isn't much.  dw is still in Wisconsin.  I'm messing about at home.  The sculpture and painting are going OK, but I'm not having any epochal breakthroughs.  I have decided to sell some of my books.  I've sorted out about 250 that I'll get rid of.  I'm not selling any that have particular value, mostly because I don't feel like doing the research to make sure I'm not ripped off.  As I was hanging the old crutches, I thought -- there's too much crap in this room -- even for me.  So some of the books are going.  DA

Thursday, January 20, 2011

On The Road of Life

I got the results from the stress test.  It came back normal, which is good, but that doesn't explain the odd thumps, bangs and other oddities my heart occasionally comes up with.  Ah, well.  Another one of life's mysteries.  Apparently it is unlikely to stop anytime soon and I can do whatever I want (exercise wise) -- so it's all good, or at least good enough. 
   I walked again today.  One of my routes includes a path down to the river (which I'll go down and up 2 or 3 times) -- the only place around here with a hill.  For 25 years or so, at the bottom of the hill, a dead oak has arched over the trail.  At some point it had toppled, and was perched on two limbs and the trunk with the stump  looming over the trail.  It sort of looked like a T-rex with the head (stump end) 10 feet above the path.  It was also quietly rotting away and due to collapse and perhaps smash someone into a puree.  Well someone (probably the city -- a real trail is planned for the site) got busy with a chainsaw and now the T-rex is a stack of wood alas. 
   I also have to note a tragic passing:  my canadian crutches.  About two-thirds of the way into the walk, the right crutch developed some sort of twist which makes it uncomfortable to use.  Time for a new pair, which is too bad.  The old ones have been so stalwart:  up several mountains, hiking in the arctic etc.  I'll retire the old ones to a place of honor in the Curiosity Room (a.k.a. the computer room) .
   On another note, there are two curious ships being worked on at the Swan Island shipyard.  The "Pacific Discoverer" and the "Pacific Tracker" both from Norfolk Va.  The P.D. is festooned with radio / radar dishes -- four 20 in diameter and two 15 feet, as well as six radar domes -- three to ten feet in diameter.  The larger P.T. has a couple of dishes and six similar radar domes and -- here's the odd part -- a geodesic radar dome 40+ feet in diameter perched on the stern.  The ship must be a real peach to handle in a typhoon.  My captaining experience is limited to a 25' sail boat -- on the river -- with a fresh breeze (Beaufort scale) so what do I know, but still.
  (Francis Beaufort of the eponymous wind scale -- the sea north of Alaska is named after him -- he was knighted -- he slept with his sister.  The four things may not be related.)  DA

Sunday, January 16, 2011

More Active Than Normal

  I had the nuclear perfusion / stress test this week.  I haven't gotten the results yet, but unlike the first test no one seemed to be alarmed.  No "Quick, go lay down before you have a heart attack that we'll have to deal with!", or warnings about limiting my activity to washing dishes.  (As If, that's not my job.  I cook and shop)  
During the test, they inject some sort of radio-active stuff.  Take some pics -- do a tread-mill test -- inject more radio-active stuff -- take more pics.  Once again I forgot to take a whiz in the dark, hoping for some glow-in-the-dark action.  That would nearly make it all worth while. 
   I also fixed my bike wheel.  It went smoothly -- only taking 45 minutes and the result seems to be fine.  Probably not Tour d' France fine, but I'm not Tour d' France fine either.  Good reasons to keep the couch weighted down are fading away.
   I finished another painting -- maybe.  I haven't decided about it.  It might need more work but I'm not sure exactly what.  I'm trying to do some abstract paintings -- something I've not done much of --  and the results can be mixed. 
   And finally, I talked with my college friend Jim C.  -- The one who had some sort of brain event resulting in some memory loss, and continuing short term memory problems.  He sounds great (he's a pro voice-over / actor guy so he should sound great) but he clearly has problems -- although he's back living in his own apartment.  (For a couple of months he was staying with a friend) -- As Betty Davis (?) said:  "Aging isn't for cowards" -- Although I feel like I'm 30 or so.  Looking in a mirror is always a surprise -- And pictures -- "Oh my god -- Who is that old fart?"   DA

Yeah, yeah, I figured the stress test would be fine - I think it's the meds causing continued problems but it's not my heart so who am I to say.  Promised Steve a mention in the blog.  We spoke on the telephone today and he admitted not reading the blog figuring (and probably rightly so) that the main action has come and gone as the blog is called "D and D on the Road" and we are not.  I reminded him of our innate wit over lifes' daily amusements but I don't think he was convinced.  Lacking a witticism I will end... dw

Wait, wait, I just thought of a witticism!  We may not be on the asphalt road but aren't we "On The Road of Life"?  Ewwww, too cute, eh?  Just a thought.  dw

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tomorrow is 1/11/11

   My heart, even after the stents, still seems to be a bit wonky, so I'm going in for another nuclear perfusion stress test (on Friday).  The doctor was largely non-committal about what the test might show.  It's annoying.  I had expected much better results from the angiogram and all the attendant stuff. 
   Otherwise:  I finished the painting I had been working on.  It turned out to be merely adequate, but still a large improvement over what it was.  I'm resisting the urge to start another project in the garage. 
   Yesterday I went to a friend's to use his band-saw to re-saw some lumber for a new project (it's a chair).  But the saw was too dull to cut the boards (old cherry) -- the saw was too dull and the wood too hard.  Lacking an easy solution to a first-step problem, I won't start the chair and will finish something I've already started.  (everything unfinished is in a drudge-work stage,  the fun parts are all done).
    Finally, I'm going to try to adjust my bike wheel.  It's warped (a couple of spokes were loose and I over tightened them).  If I can't get it right (how hard can it be? -- I'll know in time for next week's post) , I'll take it in to a shop.  DA

     Bummer to all the above.  I've been on an organizing and purging binge - start of the New Year and all that - and it came to an abrupt stop once my motivators were gone i.e. coffee with the girls and delivery of the dresser.  Apparently I need new motivators like redecorating the entire second bedroom or at least repainting it.  Not a job I want to do because it means painting the woodwork.  Big Ick.  In the meantime I am looking forward to seeing family in Wis. Jan 18.  Please note I did not say I look forward to being in Wisconsin - a real winter state - here in Portland we can overreact to temps in the low 30's but that's a high in WI.  Hmmmmmm, will dig out the longjohns and hope for the best.  Later, dw

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Day + 1

  Another New Year's Eve passed in our usual manner:  We stayed home, kept awake until midnight, wished each other a Happy New Year and went to bed.  I could put it down to old age, but as dw and I discussed that kind of excitement has been our norm -- separately and together -- for the last 30+ years.  Party Hardy! -- not so much.
   Since then dw has gotten busy organizing, straightening, and tossing in the spare bedroom.  I've been feeling sort of puny but I did go to the gym this morning and have been working on a painting.  Actually I'm re-painting something I did awhile ago -- It's not reasonable to expect a home run everytime I step up to the plate, but the piece I'm re-doing was a three strikes, error, and stumble walking back to the dugout -- all  on a 2'X2'  piece of canvas.  DA

  "Organizing, straightening and tossing"  Yes indeedy, I am starting out the New Year in my usual hyperorganized fashion.  Wish it would last through the year instead of a couple of crazy weeks in January.  It is also a chance to refine my stalling and delaying tactics as it can be challenging to "go through stuff" and make all the keep/toss decisions.  So I get a lot of things cleaned while not doing the organizing.  My reward is a new dresser due to arrive on Thursday and it will be fun putting things in it and fluffing it with pretty drawer liners.  So Martha Stewart, eh?  I admit to enjoying it for now.  Good thing I'm off work until Friday and can get a good start on the January Purge.  New Years Eve was underwhelming.  Went to work for an hour and came home risking being called back before the call people were on at 11pm.  Got to stay home and ring in the new year listening to other people's fireworks and wishing Dennis a Happy New Year.  And a Happy New Year to all our readers - hi Dennis and Dad!  dw